keytech search

keytech queries
Simple & Easy in Your Browser © 1700653

The Easy Way
to Provide keytech Information Internally

Today, keytech no longer only stores drawings and 3D documents from a wide variety of CAD systems. Our claim is to offer our customers the full perspective on all relevant company information. From general product data sheets to material specifications and a wide variety of QA documents, the design department alone manages a whole range of documents that are also important for other teams in the company.

In numerous DMS projects we have learned that today it is necessary to have a simple and platform-independent way to make documents and information stored in keytech, available to a broad group of users throughout the company. To meet exactly this requirement, we have developed keytech search.

We Bring keytech Queries into the Browser

Access Your Saved Queries Via Web App

keytech search brings the queries you know and appreciate from "My keytech" to the browser.

In the web app, keytech queries are provided in an intuitive and modern UI and can be executed with a simple click. In addition to the saved queries, the versatile parameterized queries are also supported in keytech search. This enables flexible searching for targeted attribute values, making the app a powerful research tool.

From the Query to the Searched Document

The search result in keytech search is displayed in a clear list. Using info cards of the individual result elements, the most important information can be quickly captured or an existing master file can be downloaded directly. However, keytech elements can also be opened in the detail area of keytech search to access the large preview image or further information of the element in list form. All documents linked in keytech can also be viewed and easily downloaded here.

Innovative Research Tool

With keytech search, we offer you a completely new way to provide even broader groups of users in the company with information from keytech - directly in their browser. As a fully-fledged web app, keytech search runs in all current versions of Google Chrome as well as Microsoft Edge and supports modern convenience features such as installation as a Chrome app, single sign-on and mobile-optimized responsive design. By combining these modern technologies with an intuitive user experience, keytech search is not only suitable as an alternative powerful search tool for existing keytech users.

Platform-independent solution for all teams

keytech search is the platform independent solution for all teams and departments that need to access documents and information in keytech beyond the existing keytech application areas.

Von der Abfrage zum gesuchten Dokument

Das Ergebnis der einzelnen Suche in keytech search wird in einer übersichtlichen Liste angezeigt. Über die Info-Karten der einzelnen Ergebnis-Elemente können die wichtigsten Informationen schnell erfasst oder eine bestehende Master-Datei auch direkt heruntergeladen werden. keytech Elemente können aber auch im Detail-Bereich von keytech search geöffnet werden, um auf das große Vorschaubild oder weitere Informationen des Elementes in Listenform zuzugreifen. Hier können auch alle in keytech verknüpften Dokumente eingesehen und einfach heruntergeladen werden.

Innovatives Recherche-Tool

Mit keytech search bieten wir Ihnen einen komplett neuen Weg, noch breitere Gruppen von Anwendern im Unternehmen mit Informationen aus keytech zu versorgen – direkt in ihrem Browser. Als vollwertige Web-App läuft keytech search in allen aktuellen Versionen von Google Chrome sowie Microsoft Edge und unterstützt auch moderne Komfort-Features, wie die Installation als Chrome-App, Single Sign-on und mobil optimiertes Responsive Design. Durch die Kombination dieser modernen Technologien mit einem intuitiven Bedienkonzept eignet sich keytech search nicht nur als alternatives leistungsstarkes Recherche-Tool für bestehende keytech Anwender.